The Light of the World

John 3:14-21

A nighttime visit from a curious seeker named Nicodemus set the stage for one of the most beloved verses in all of scripture – John 3:16.

In the Spark Story Bible for children, we discover that Nicodemus came by night to talk with Jesus about God. And as that conversation moved toward daylight, Jesus spoke some very powerful words to this friend in the faith:

God wants everyone to know how much they are loved! Nicodemus, God loves this world and everyone in it so much that God sent me, his Son, so that everyone would learn how much they are loved. God sent me to save the world, Nicodemus.

‘I am the light of the world! I am all that is good and right, and God sent me to light up this world. Unfortunately, people sometimes like the darkness better than light. When we do terrible things, the light is not in us. When we are mean, hateful, and horrible, the world is a dark, dark place. But when we do things that are good and right – when we love each other and help one another – God’s light shines brightly in the world and God is glad.”

When Nicodemus heard this good news, the light came on for him and he followed Jesus. It seemed clear as day.


God, I can’t thank You enough for sending Your Son to save me, and to spread the light of Your love in the world. Make me a beacon of Your light, as I walk my path as a follower of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, in whose name I pray. Amen.

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