John 4:5-42
Jesus was God’s Word in human flesh. His life was a sermon in motion.
In the Spark Story Bible for children, the editors include the story of Jesus talking with the woman at the well. In John’s gospel, this is a pretty detailed account. It fills half a chapter and has some extensive dialogue. In this children’s Bible, we get more bullet points:
The Samaritan woman was puzzled when Jesus asked her for a drink. Jesus was a Jew, and she knew that Jews didn’t like people from Samaria. (He broke the mold.)
What Jesus offered her was living water.
Jesus knew all about her life, and He spoke to her directly.
When she learned that He was the Messiah, she couldn’t wait to tell her friends so they could meet him too.
We all thirst for something. Maybe our ultimate desire is to be satisfied with the living water that comes as the God who knows us so well invites us to know God better.
As I pause to speak to You today, God, let me realize that You know and love me at a depth I cannot comprehend. Let Your love wash over me, cleansing and reviving my soul. And refreshed in Your presence, let me enjoy the day that You have made. Amen.