Four Friends

Luke 5:17-26

What would you do for a friend? There are some special people in our lives that we would try to move heaven and earth to help (and they would do the same for us.) One day, four people carried their paralyzed friend to try to meet Jesus. When the crowds were so large that they couldn’t even get into the home where Jesus was teaching, they climbed up on the house, removed a part of the roof, and lowered their friend down to be near our Lord.

In the Spark Story Bible for Children, the account continues:

“Jesus knew the man was paralyzed. Jesus also knew sin hurts people more than sickness. So Jesus did an unusual thing. Jesus said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

 The people in the room were confused and angry. They thought nobody could forgive sins except God. They didn’t know that Jesus was God’ Son.

 “Don’t be angry,” Jesus told them. “I am God’s Son, and God has given me the power to forgive sins.”

 Again, the people were confused and surprised. They didn’t know if Jesus was telling the truth.

 “I am telling the truth,” Jesus said. “I can prove I am God’s Son.”

 He turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Friend, stand up.”

 The man stood up. He had been healed! Now the people were amazed. The healed man thanked Jesus and carried his stretcher home with his four friends.
Many people then believed that Jesus was God’s Son, and they praised God that very day. They knew that if they or their friends ever have a need, Jesus would be there to heal them, to forgive their sins, and to love them!

What would you do for a friend? Would you make sure to introduce them to your Lord and Savior.


Wonderful God, you have made my life rich, and full, and worth living. Help me to treasure your saving presence for myself, and to share it freely with those whom I love, as I invite my friends to also know my Lord and Savior Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

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