Be Ready

Mark 13:1-8, 24-37

Chapter 13 of Mark’s gospel is a bit of a tough read for many of us. Commentators call this chapter “The Mini-Apocalypse”, noting the parallels with parts of the books of Daniel and Revelation. So, how do you approach these verses of scripture with children?

The folks who sat down to create the Spark Story Bible for children focused on the heart of what Jesus was saying:

Jesus paused and smiled kindly at his friends. “Don’t be afraid,” Jesus said. “Watch and wait. Be ready. Even when scary things happen, God is working for good.” Jesus told them this to comfort them. Jesus knew that trouble was coming. Soon Jesus would die on the cross.

 Whether we are listening to God’s Word as children or adults, we all come to realize that sad and scary things sometimes happen in life. And if we are ready to face these moments, and if we know that with God’s help we don’t’ have to face them alone, we will be OK.


God, let me keep reading the Bible as Your words of comfort for me. Help me to find in these words my story as a child of God as I discover Your holy plan for me as a follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

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