A Precious Jesus

Becky Del Prato’s second nativity while breakable was bought for her granddaughters who were taught to handle the pieces with care.

Becky liked the Precious Moments nativity because it reminded her of a Sunday school pageant. She purchased this set as a gift for her granddaughters to be able to touch and handle. The second nativity is ceramic and not really made of a material thought to be child-friendly.

This nativity set was made in China and is painted with pastel colors. This set is eighteen years old. It has appeared in different rooms throughout Becky’s house, but it has often been on a table in the living room. Her granddaughters are now 18 and 21 years old and Becky used the nativity set to teach them about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Scripture: Mark 10:13-16

Thought for the Day: Do you remember a nativity set that captured your attention when you were a child? Was it at your home, your church, a friend or neighbor’s home, or elsewhere in the community?

Prayer: Lover of all children, we thank You that the story of Your birth appeals to children. Grant that as adults we may take great pleasure in sharing this story with younger generations that they may come to love The Story as much as we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


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