Grandmother’s Lesson

Jane West, a grandmother, used a Fisher-Price nativity set to teach her grandchildren The Story.

Jane West’s second “favorite” nativity set is the Fisher-Price set that she got to teach The Story to her grandchildren, Kaden and Carley Rabern. As you can see the set is quite complete with angels, shepherds, fields for the sheep, the Wise Men, the Holy Family, a stable and assorted livestock. The figures are just-the-right-size for little hands to hold and move. What we see with the Fisher-Price and other durable nativity sets is that one generation sees the importance of teaching another generation The Story and helping that generation to claim it as their story too.

Scripture: II Timothy 1:5

Thought for the Day: What special times do you recall with your grandparents? How did they influence your life?

Prayer: Lord of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel, we give You thanks that through the pages of the scriptures we learn how faith has been passed down from one generation to another. We are grateful for grandparents and parents, often who have nurtured us in the faith. As we are thankful for what they have done for us, let us show our appreciation by following their example in nurturing future generations in the faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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