
Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus had some things working against him:

  1. As the children’s song tells us, he was a wee little man
  2. He made his living collecting taxes for an occupying force, and skimming off the top, so his neighbors and his bosses didn’t really like him

So, when Jesus came to town and Zacchaeus wanted to see him, nobody was really eager to assist in the introduction.

But Zaccaheus was determined, and from that tree he could see Jesus. And, from the children’s song we know that Jesus invited himself to have supper at Zacchaeus’ house. And once he got to know Jesus, Zacchaeus’ life changed.

In the Spark Story Bible for children, the Story of this wee little man and our Lord is told in pictures and prose for 6 pages. The last two sentences are:

Zacchaeus met Jesus and changed forever. He cared about others!

Then, the editors give this action challenge:

Think of someone you don’t always like. Say a prayer. Ask Jesus to help both of you be more caring.


God, help me to look into the eyes of Jesus and understand how deeply He loves me and the people I encounter today. Give me a desire to help them to meet Jesus, so that we all might be changed into the loving children You intend us to be. Amen.

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