We Are Blessed

If I asked you to come up with 10 things you are thankful for, I imagine you would be able to do it rather quickly. We are so blessed friends. Most of us have our faith, health, loving family and/or friends, a roof over our heads, clean clothes, food in our bellies, transportation, and so much more. I have always loved the first line of Psalm 107 – Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever. Wow, that sums up so many things right there. Our God is good and his love endures forever – what more could we possibly need? But our loving Creator gives us so much more! He gives us such numerous blessings; even if we sat down to write them all out, we probably couldn’t account for them all.

How do we thank God? In what ways do you thank God each day for your blessings? Do you say your thankful thoughts during your prayer time, do you sing it in praise songs, or do you ponder them as you go about your day?

In Psalm 107 we read about four different kinds of people who are in distress and how God breaks in and helps them out. There are those who were wanderers, prisoners, the sick, and the storm-tossed. I’m sure at one point or another in life, we have all been at least one of these types of people and maybe depending on the day, we might still be one of them. But the good news is our God loves us and He is there to rescue us – always. So call upon Him and give Him thanks – all throughout the day. He will be there! Wishing you all a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!


Loving God, we have so much to be thankful for. Remind us every day to give You thanks and praise, regardless of our outward circumstances. Even though we may not always want to thank You for everything, help us to be thankful, grateful, and to praise You no matter what might be going on around us. We thank You Lord for all that You do for us. We truly are blessed! Amen.

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