Prayer Shawl

Women knit and crochet prayer shawls to be given to people who are going through some kind of difficult situation […]

Lydia Circle

The 2017-18 bible study comes from Cloud of Witness: The Community of Christ Hebrew by Melissa Bane Sevier and meets the 2nd Monday of […]

The Connection


Join us for our Easter Breakfast. Menu: ham and cheese strata, “Georgia Ice Cream” grits (buttered or with cheese), pastries, […]

Maundy Thursday Dinner

Please join us for dinner. Menu: shepherd’s pie, Caesar salad, dinner roll, apple cobbler, coffee, tea, or lemonade. Cost: $10 […]

Pancake Supper

Join us our annual pancake supper and watch the kids compete in pancake flipping.

Stephen Ministers-Congregation Invited


Please join us in McLeod Hall to hear Dr. Jeffrey Reddout, Psychologist, as he addresses depression, expectations not met, and how […]

Congregational Conversation


Members are invited to McLeod Hall to discuss our mission, ministry, and church budget.



Members and friends of First Pres age 55 and up, join us for Christmas food, fun, and fellowship.

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