Children’s Sunday School
CEChildren's Sunday school meeting in CE 206 following the time with younger disciples in the worship service.
Children's Sunday school meeting in CE 206 following the time with younger disciples in the worship service.
For toddlers ages walking through age three. Registration is limited. Please contact the church office for more information.
For toddlers walking through age three. MOM Brochure 22-23
For toddlers ages walking through age three.
Sign up now to be part of our NEW photo Church Directory. Follow this link for availability. Dates available Feb […]
Children meet in the Christian Education Building.
For toddlers ages walking through age three.
We begin with music with Ms. Lynn at 9:45 a.m. and then children of all ages are welcomed to explore […]
For toddlers ages walking through age three.
For toddlers ages walking through age three.