Hebrews 13:2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

This year at our Vacation Bible School, the Christian Education committee endeavored to do the providing of food a little different. Recognizing the busy-ness of the week, the whole family focus of VBS and hoping to expand our church’s ability to offer hospitality to all, they envisioned child-friendly dinners to start every night of VBS. So, we offered meals that were easy to prepare and serve as well as kid-friendly options so that we all had time to fellowship around tables before moving into VBS. There were some moments, for me, of trusting the Holy Spirit as we never offered dinner every night before and was unsure of our numbers. The Holy Spirit provided motivation and support for new volunteers to join VBS for the first time. And each night over 70 people were fed.


God of miracles, we are grateful for the kindness of those many hands who prepared the meal each night of VBS. For the over-flowing cups of your love served to truly feed the hungry. Continue through our hospitality around tables to be your disciples for neighbors and strangers alike, Amen.

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