I have acquired a reputation for being a big (and regular) eater. It is a well-earned distinction cultivated over the years. But, if the truth be told, I am a more prolific drinker. When I am working outside around the house, I crave Gatorade by the quart. I love to have both orange juice and milk for breakfast, and one cup of each is never enough. And it is not uncommon for me to drink a half dozen glasses of water during a meal. I have an appreciation of what it means to “thirst for something.” And so did the Psalmist.
When the biblical poet and king David was looking for a way of describing the intensity of our need for God, he used the language of liquids.
“O God, you are my God …… My soul thirsts for you”
What an interesting way to describe our longing for the Lord who loves us. As we human beings go through life, lots of things happen. We work. We play. We help our neighbors and friends. We interact with our family. All those are good events, but it can seem that something is missing. We need to pause and “sip” on the presence of God. So we pray. We read scripture and ponder. We are still and know that God is God. And we are revived.
“My soul thirsts for the God who is my God.”
On a hot and dry day, there is nothing more immediately satisfying to me than a cold tall glass of water. My whole body is refreshed as my thirst is quenched.
Is there anything that offers more to us in the midst of the parched periods of our lives than the communion we can have with God through our Lord Jesus?
“O God, you are my God …… My soul thirsts for you”
As we pause by the streams of living water, refresh us anew. Let us always remember than you are anxious to satisfy us with you grace, mercy, and presence, through our loving Lord and Savior, in whose name we pray. Amen.