These Treasured Children ~ Hymn 487

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Then little children were being brought to Him in order that He might lay His hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” And He laid His hands on them and went His way.

Matthew 19:13-15.

Once again, we encounter the previous scripture reference for the familiar story of Jesus welcoming the children to come to Him. The mothers and fathers were bringing their children to Jesus for a blessing. The disciples felt Jesus was too busy to lay His hands on the children. Jesus upbraids His disciples by affirming that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those young, innocent, and receptive. If Jesus takes time to bless the children.

The Glory to God commentator wrote:

This text emphasizes the covenantal dimensions of baptism, most obvious in the baptism of children (though also in the baptism of adults), including the worshiping community’s commitment to acquaint children with salvation history and to learn from their humbled trust.

Phrases that suggest allusion to Matthew 19:13-15 are: ”these treasured children,” “to welcome them in Jesus’ name,” ”to trust as children do,” “help us be a nurturing community,” and “to realize God’s kingdom through our children’s eyes.”


O Lord, years ago the adage, “Children should be seen and not heard,” was quite popular. Jesus demonstrated that children were to be seen and heard. We thank You for this story that teaches Jesus has time for all of us. We become part of Jesus’ family as we are baptized regardless of how young or old we may be. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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