In the early part of December, our family went to pick out our Christmas tree, which was a bushy cedar tree.
Then the director of decoration was mother, the children were the “doers”, dad was the observer. After all of the Christmas tree lights were in place, the ornaments were hung with care, and then the icicles were hung.
Last was the tree topper, mother always wanted the star for the topper. She never gave a reason for it to be a star, but as the wise men saw the star and came to worship the Christ child (Matt. 2:2); so she must have thought the star would be a sign for all people come to worship Christ.
It was a white glittery star and it was used for many years even until the grandchildren came along.
Douglas Harvey
Blessed Lord, we thank You for the star that guided wise men to the baby Jesus. As we celebrate Christ’s birth, give us happy memories of Christmases that will last for years to come. In His name, we pray. Amen.