The Transfiguration

Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-9, Luke 9:28-36

Did you know that I love mountains? I love the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee, the first ones I recall seeing. I love the Grand Tetons, doing a pastel painting of them when I took art lessons. I love the Alps … having first flown from Geneva, Switzerland to Vienna, Austria. I love the mountains of southwest Virginia, where I lived for twelve years. I love the Green Mountains of Vermont, a favorite vacation destination. Yes, I love the mountains and I have always felt a little closer to God while there!

I am sure that I would have hoped to be chosen to tag along with Jesus, Peter, James, and John when struck out for a mountain one day. They climbed higher and higher till it seemed that they had their heads above the clouds while their feet remained on the solid ground of the mountain. Suddenly Jesus’ face was radiant and his clothes were gleaming.

Then I have always wondered how Peter, James, and John knew that they were in the presence of Moses the Lawgiver and Elijah the prophet. It occurred to me that Jesus might have made introductions. Then a cloud overshadowed the mountain and from it a voice said, “’

 This is my Son. Listen to him!’

 The voice was God. Peter, James, and John covered their faces. Then Jesus touched them. They peeked up. Everything was the same as it was before – even Jesus.”

Wow! What a mountaintop experience that was! Then Jesus charges them to keep quiet about what went on while they were on the mountaintop. They kept it secret a long time, but later they did share with others this remarkable story.


O God, as much as we would love to stay on the mountaintops, You have work for us to do and so we must leave. The communion with You while there strengthens us for doing Your work. We hold on to those warm feelings while we return to our homes and communities. Keep our eyes and ears open to what You, Lord Jesus, would have us to do. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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