6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. (Mark 16:6)
You all know that I love Contemporary Christian music, I quote it quite often when doing these devotionals, so here we are with a brand new song from Jeremy Camp called, “Same Power.” The chorus goes as follows:
The same power that rose Jesus from the grave
The same power that commands the dead to wake
Lives in us, lives in us
The same power that moves mountains when He speaks
The same power that can calm a raging sea
Lives in us, lives in us
He lives in us, lives in us
In Mark 16:6 we get to celebrate the fact that Jesus keeps His promises. He said He would rise again from the dead and He did. It also gives us hope that death will not conquer us. Eternity is waiting for us in Heaven. I have really enjoyed listening to this new song because it does help me face situations that I know I can’t face on my own. But then I am reminded, the same God that did these amazing miracles and gave us a risen Jesus, lives in me. Halleluiah friends, how uplifting is that?
Thank you, Lord, for living in us! Because of Your love for us we are able to conquer mountains, storms of life, and even death. Thank you for the most perfect gift of Your son Jesus. Amen.