The Promise of God is the Future of Mankind 

While doing my reading (Genesis 12:1-9) in preparation for this mediation, the thought has come to me, hopefully through the Spirit of God, that I have become more of a remorseful minor prophet that a confident Man of God. Genesis twelve has once again taught me to believe in the Word of God, and especially, in the Power of The Maker of this old world we live in.

I need to confess to those of you who do not know me better. I have come to believe that the way our world seems to be heading is to its end. The way we live and move and have our being in, seems to be heading all of us toward total destruction through the lack of obedience of God’s Holy Word. Do you notice how close God’s Word is to the name of the world, is it because the world is the Lord’s Word in the physical sense of being and living? Therefore, I have come to now believe that the Lord God of our life is the One in control. This I believe even if it appears that this old world has refused to listen and know God’s wonderful Love, Grace and Peace.

In this narrative directing us as we read God’s recorded Word, there is a striking correspondence between God’s call in the beginning, and now in the response of Abraham. Now this is the key to God’s continuing guidance for all of us in this day. And not only you and me, but joyfully all people in the whole world! Think about what we are saying; God’s promise to us is God’s power to create a new future! A new future regardless what has happened or what may happen. God’s promise to form a new community is the miracle that we can all live upon and rejoice in! All this can and will come about through God’s miraculous Love and our faithful acceptance to live joyfully.

Sleep well my friends.


Gracious and loving God, our Maker and Keeper. We live every day in Your heavenly renewing Love , You have made all things possible, keep us close and faithful, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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