The Prayer of the Righteous is Powerful and Effective

James affirms the need we have of keeping close to the powerful effect prayer has on one’s life! I’m sure we can all agree, it is truly an enormous act to form a just estimate of ourselves. Because it is, we need to be very careful that we use a right and righteous measure as a proper measure of who we are. Even if we think we measure up to what it is that Christ wants of us, we must be especially careful not to solicit a false pattern, but to keep Christ alive and well within our very soul. James 5:16.

There are two priceless patterns we need for our soul’s goodness to be measured upon. I will pass on to you what I have discovered, without added charge, and they are both, taken from James. I will, with pleasure, share them with you. To know them is to live in them. They are humility and a rich sense of humor! Having a sense of humor in all things and for every reason, is the means for living humbly in grace. They are a great play on words; “Now abide these three,” quoting from Saint Paul, “faith, hope, and love.” And the greatest of these is a sense of humor. Laugh, it will do you good.

If you live your life with a strong and willful sense of humor, you will find the secret for a full and joyful life. A genuine sense of humility living within your life is the foundation for all the joy we are able to live. Giving our life a chance to know the joyful life we all seek. Humility and humor is the secret to a full and joyful life, a life living in Christ Jesus! Jesus lived his life as an example we all follow to a rich and full life, a life we do enjoy.


Heavenly Father, Your eternal love has come to us through Christ Jesus, Your Son. May we be able to learn from James to always, with a full faith, come to our Maker when we are in need, which is always. In Christ’s Spirit we pray. Amen.

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