Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

The Word, along with the corresponding sermon, serves as the core of the worship service. In worship, we have gathered around the Word to hear scripture read, proclaimed, and interpreted for our daily lives, and we have responded to God’s word as we are sent out into the world. God’s Word serves as a foundation for our lives as Christians and naturally serves as the center for worship. We come to raise God, to pray for our world, and to hear God’s direction for our lives. The Word serves to illumine our lives and help us better follow Christ as disciples. We are led by the Word to faithfully engage our world and one another as we seek to love God with all that we are.


Loving God, we thank You for the gift of Your Word. We know this gift is truly a guide for us as we seek to be faithful followers. Help us to recognize that Your Word is not to be encountered only on Sunday mornings. Strengthen us to read and study Your Word throughout the week and guide us to follow Your teachings todays. Amen.

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