I Timothy 2:1

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 

People who have pondered the prayers included in the Bible have come up with a little acronym for this way of communicating with God:


We find prayers of

Adoration (A)
Confession (C)
Thanksgiving (T)
Supplication (S)
Intercession (I)
Communion of the Saints (C)

As the drama of worship unfolds each Sunday, many of these forms of prayer are present. The prayer of Confession stands alone in Reformed worship services. A special prayer of Thanks (for God’s bounty and our use of it) happens after the offering. And then, in the Prayers of the People, the fulness of our speaking to God emerges. As our prayers are lifted up, the pastor begins with a statement of Adoration to our God. Then we find a series of Supplications (praying for ourselves), Intercessions (praying for others), Thanksgivings (thanking God for blessings), as we Commune together as the Saints (or the people of God.)


Wonderful God (A), I thank You for inviting me into this holy conversation (T). Forgive me for the days when I don’t take time to talk with You (C). Help me to tell You what I most need and desire (S). Make me conscious of the needs of others (I). And let me now get lost in this time that I am able to spend in an intimate relationship with You (CS). Amen.

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