There’s an old adage that goes: “Those who sing, pray twice.”
In our Sunday morning worship, we often add a congregational sung response to our Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon, helping us to raise again our confession of sins and highlight the incredible forgiveness from God:
The Kyrie Eleison:
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy upon us
Lord, have mercy upon us.
(As part of the Greek formula Kyrie eleison (“Lord, have mercy”), the word is used as a preliminary petition before a formal prayer and as a congregational response in the liturgies of many Christian churches)
Hear the Good News of Salvation:
Hear the good news of salvation: Jesus died to show God’s love.
Such great kindness! Such great Mercy! Come to us from heaven above.[Refrain] Jesus Christ, how much I love you! Jesus Christ, you save from sin!
How I love you! Look up-on me. Love me still and cleanse with-in.
When it comes to God’s forgiveness and grace, it’s worth repeating.
God of grace, love, and mercy, we cannot count the times you have forgiven us. And recalling your love once or twice is just a start to our gratitude. Thank you for all you do for us in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.