The Long Road Back

The angel of the Lord said to her, ‘Return to your mistress, and submit to her. Genesis 16:9

She may have been an Egyptian and she may have been a slave, but Hagar also proved to be a woman of faith! Hagar was a maid to Sarai, Abram’s wife and so she was to do whatever Sarai bid her to do. Sarai had been waiting and waiting for the Lord to fulfill His promise to Sarai and Abram, but still they had no child … no heir. Sarai had grown impatient and so she decided to take matters in her own hand.

Now Sarai liked Hagar and she liked her so much that she gave her maid to her husband, Abram. Sarai thought that she might be able to have a child through Hagar. Hagar must have become as fond of her master, Abram, as her mistress, Sarai. Hagar’s feelings toward Sarai changed so that Hagar looked upon Sarai with contempt.

Sarai then wants to put the blame on Abram. He reminds his wife that Hagar is still under her authority and she ay deal with her as she sees fit. Sarai deals harshly with Hagar … so harshly in fact that Hagar runs away. Hagar does not escape God’s notice and so an angel of the Lord finds her by a spring of water in the wilderness and learns that she is running away from Sarai.

The angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit to her.” The angel also tells Hagar that she is with child she will bear a son whom she will name, Ishmael, and who will have many offspring

Put yourself in Hagar’s shoes! Could you go back, knowing that as a runaway, you could be severely punished? Would you go back, knowing that once Sarai learned you were with child, Sarai might deal with you even more harshly? Would you go back wondering how Abram and Sarai might feel about this child? It would be a long road back! Hagar obeyed the angel of the Lord and she returned to Abram and Sarai. Hagar was a woman caught in a difficult situation, but she proved to be a woman of faith.


O God, what You ask of us is sometimes very difficult. Let us take courage and strength as we strive to be obedient to what You ask. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.


Alan Harvey

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