The Hymns of Eastertide

Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.”
John 20:18a

The spiritual, Were You There, endeavors to put the singers and listeners at Golgotha on Good Friday. O Sons and Daughter, Let Us Sing endeavors to put the singers and listeners at the empty tomb on Easter morn. The verses describe the scene at the tomb on Resurrection Sunday morning, drawing particularly on the Gospel of John. The text acquaints us with the disciples’ responses and reactions to the Good News of Easter.

This hymn is attributed to Jean Tisserand, a Franciscan monk . The tune is known as: O Filii et Filiae. There are as many as eight verses for this hymn. John Mason Neale also served as the translator of this Latin hymn.


Blessed Lord, as horrifying as the events of Good Friday were, the events of Easter morn were so glorious that it was hard to believe. We thank You that through Your Word and through this hymn we can grasp the joyous news of Easter and can put ourselves in that place on that Resurrection morn. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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