The Great Commission

Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:36-53; Mark 16:1-8

Have you ever received your “Marching Orders”? Maybe it was your summer assignment as a school year was ending. Maybe you were given some instructions before being left at home by parents. Maybe your boss gave you a project to complete. We sometimes receive our marching orders.

Several of the gospels tell us of some final instructions that Jesus gave to his followers before he ascended to heaven. As they convey this story, the editors of the Spark Story Bible for children summarize the accounts from Matthew, Mark, and Luke like this:

Jesus began,

“God has given me all the power in heaven and earth!”

The disciples looked at each other and began chattering again. “Whoa! “Wonderful!”

“We knew it!” “Fantastic!” “What will you do first?”

“Wait!” Jesus said. “There’s more!” The disciples listened carefully. “Go everywhere in the world and teach people about me. And remember, I will always be with you.””

Jesus returned to heaven. The happy disciples soon began the work Jesus had told them to do.”

From that moment, the followers of Jesus have tried to fulfill these marching orders. We are to teach people about Jesus. We are to show His love in how we live. We are to make His words known through our words and deeds. We are to let His light shine to the world.


Wonderful God, thank You for touching me with Your love through Jesus. Help me now to be a beacon of that love as I have You in my corner of the world. Amen.

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