But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:8
It must have been pretty dismal times when the wickedness of the human race caused God so much heartache that His last resort was to wipe all of creation off of the earth and start fresh. My heart just breaks thinking about it. I think of this question in today’s day in age. How much is God’s heart breaking over the sin-filled lives we all are living? I’m not here to judge or point fingers because I have a list of sins just as long as the next person. But if I pause for just a moment to think about why God chose Noah, we find those reasons in the next verse. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Dear Noah was an honorable man who was guiltless among all the other people on earth at this time and he walked loyally beside the Lord.
How are you doing on your walk with God? Would the Lord consider you righteous, blameless, and walking faithfully by His side? It’s okay if this question gives you a little discomfort, because just typing it makes me a little uneasy. But with doubts and questions come improvement and hope. Because of Jesus Christ and His victory over death, each day we can awake to a new day to be righteous, blameless, and walking faithfully by our Lord’s side. Every day we have the opportunity to start fresh. Every day God calls us to be His children and to follow His word. What can you do today to find favor in the eyes of our Lord?
Everlasting Father, we often fall short of the people we should be but You love us anyway. Thank You for providing such unconditional love for us. We are so very blessed and thankful. Give us hope each day to draw closer to You and find favor in You through the way we live our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.