The Alaskan is Chosen

Marjorie and Al Porter had a difficult time selecting a nativity set to share with you. 

Marjorie writes, “All of our nativities are special and unique in their own way. Should we pick our original – our first Christmas as newly-marrieds, bought from the dime store (couldn’t afford anything else) only has one wise man and the dog has a broken leg? Or should we pick one of those bought on vacation from Isle of Capri, Oberammergau, Spain, Mexico, Europe, or the U.S.? Or the nativity I used teaching Preschool or one of our ornaments, one from Montreat, N.C., or the ceramic set I made for my parents or the one I painted at the church years ago – I only made nine sets two for wedding gifts and six for grandchildren?

We finally decided on our Alaskan nativity. Marjorie included this note:

“This Nativity was handcrafted on a pedal powered saw, a replica of an antique tool. The pieces, made of mahogany and pine, were carefully hand sanded and oiled. The fur and trim represent the authentic styling of the Inupiat/Eskimo parka.

When setting up the nativity, I usually put up the two trees as background with the two angels in front of them. The family is in the center with the child on the sled. Then the moose, musk ox and huskies are placed looking at the child. I have found the best base for the setting is a mirrored tile.

After being packed and moved around, the fur, on the parkas and the ruffs, sometimes needs brushing. A fingernail brush, used lightly, will do the job.

I pray that this nativity is a blessing to you, reminding you of the wonder of the gift of God’s Son. Edith-Helen Hilts”

Marjorie adds: “It is around a seal rabbit skin (special gift from a friend). The rocks around the “lake” are some I picked up in Alaska.”

Scripture: Galatians 4:4-7

Thought for the Day: We get an idea of what the story of the Nativity would have been like had Jesus been born in Alaska. Can you imagine what it would have been like if Jesus had been born in Florida?

Prayer: Lord of time and eternity, while Jesus was born in Bethlehem long ago, He is born in people’s hearts whenever they hear and believe the Good News. By believing, we become Your children as well as heirs through Jesus Christ, our Elder Brother, Savior and Friend. Amen.


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