Image from Laura Sparr’s confirmation stole

Traditionally white, the perennial lilies rebirth each year is especially powerful as its green stalks first appear from baren, winter landscapes. The lily at Easter time represents that pure rebirth, sometimes from surprising places. The joy these blooms bring to us each spring as Christians also proudly bring to mind the joy of the resurrection. Some Christian traditions believe lilies rose from the ground as Christ wept in the Garden of Gethsemane and below the cross. It’s hopeful, trumpet-shaped flowers reminds us the triumphal hope and new life of Easter morning.


He is Risen. He is risen, indeed. Our triumphal Easter morning shout comes to our lips as we see the flowers of lilies raising all around us. We give thanks for those surprising blooms and the stately stalks of lilies that shout Christ’s resurrecting promise is for us all. With hopeful and joyful smiles, we give thanks. Amen.

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