Mark 8:34

Jesus called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

The Celtic cross is one of the most revered symbols of Ireland and of Irish culture. The Celtic Cross is basically a Latin cross with a circle of light, or a halo intersecting it. It was adopted by Irish missionaries from the 9th through the 12th centuries.

Irish folklore says Saint Patrick introduced the Celtic cross to the Celts when he was trying to educate and possibly convert the pagan Irish hopefully to Christianity. The pagan Celts were said to worship the sun. Saint Patrick, according to legend, combined the image of the Christian cross with the circle to represent the sun to associate a circle of light with the Christian cross as one in the same.


Holy Jesus, I do intend to follow You each day of my life. Remind me this day of Your sacrifice for my sins, and Your never-ending love. In Your blessed name I pray. Amen.

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