Standing Firm While Standing Up

My high school in Tampa was a religious school only populated with male students. I guess you could say that the climate around campus was a mixture of spit and Spirit.

Reflecting on our school mascot in the shadow of the steeple in the middle of the campus, one of the questions asked by teenage theologians was this:

“If the meek shall inherit the earth, what’s going to happen to all us Tigers?”

That question still lingers for some of us in faith. As followers of The Prince of Peace are we called to be meek? And does meek mean weak?

Proverbs tells us that…

The timid become destitute,
but the aggressive gain riches.
Proverbs 11:16

I guess it is important to look to how Jesus dealt with the crowds, the religious leaders, the adults, and the children that were often at his side. Was he timid? Was he aggressive? Was he assertive? He is worth studying and following.


God, help me to be a true student of Jesus, as I look to Him for not only my salvation, but also for my inspiration and my direction in life. Amen.

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