As we roll into Fall, Sarah and I are going to be sharing devotional reflections on some of the hymns contained in our church’s Glory to God Hymnal.

In looking through the hymnbook’s topical index, we find the categories of HARVEST, STEWARDSHIP AND DEDICATION, ALL SAINTS, CELEBRATING TIME, and THANKSGIVING. Those seem to lend themselves to some spiritual reflection during this season. The full text and music for each hymn can be found in the books in our chapel or sanctuary. (The digital version of the hymnal can be purchased from Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal, at

Let’s start with a hymn that we’ve never sung at First Pres. It appears in the hymnal as Hymn 680

Soft Rains of Spring Flow.

The text was created by Jong Rack Im in 1993. It was translated from Korean to English in 2001 by Edward Poitras. The music was composed by Seung Nam Kim in 2001.

As the moistures is still abundant in our Florida rainy season, we might want to picture this image from verse 1 –

Soft rains of spring flow through the fields; earth awakes and greets a new year.
Deep within the soil of our hearts seeds of love begin to take root.
Summer brings floods, tempest and storm; sun break forth; birds tend their young.
Then the day of harvest will come, when we gather all that God gives.


God our Creator, there is a wonderful pattern to nature, and your nature within us. Let’s celebrate the growth of your love as we anticipate a bountiful harvest of faith. Amen.

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