Sheaves of Wheat ~ Hymn 532

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Isaiah 25:6

When we arrive at Isaiah chapter 25, verses 6-10, we have come to what biblical scholars call “The Third Eschatological Section.” This is the third time that the prophet focuses on what will happen in the End Times.

One of the means for coping in the present is to focus on a future promise.

On this mountain the Lord of Hosts will make for all peoples a feast
Of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines …

Isaiah 25:6

For Isaiah’s people, dealing with exile, turmoil, and judgement, the thought of a feast laid out on God’s mountain kept them moving faithfully forward.

The editors of the Glory to God Hymnal suggest a connection between this scripture and the communion hymn Sheaves of Wheat (#532). When we, in the midst of our daily struggles, come to the communion table to share bread and wine, it can serve as a foretaste of a banquet that God promises to all peoples. That feast is worth waiting and working toward.


Thank You, Lord for not only Your promises of love, grace, and salvation, but also for the reminders provided in Your Word and in the world. Amen.

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