Christmas, Morning
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a
I probably need to post a disclaimer before I begin and tell you that I was born on Christmas Day. So, it might be fair to say that my birthday is my favorite Christmas thing. Somehow that seems more than just a little bit self-serving so maybe it would suffice to say Christmas has a different celebration for us than most other families. Growing up my mother always made a point of separating birthday from Christmas. We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve by going to church and opening Santa gifts that evening. Christmas Day was Birthday.
I have always thought it was pretty special having your birthday on Christmas Day. It is easy to remember. Not many other people share that same birthday and those of us who do have an instant connection that needs no other explanation. Most people say “don’t you feel cheated?” I know they want to have their own special day and yes, Christmas and Birthday usually do get all rolled up into one celebration. But, if you don’t know any different that is just what having your Birthday on Christmas Day is all about. Maybe that helps make the real reason for Christmas just a little more mindful.
Christmas is about a birthday – the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ who was and is the ultimate gift from our Heavenly Father. So maybe those of us who just happen to be born on December 25 have a couple of reasons that Christmas is our “favorite thing”.
~ Carol Rauth Roe
Dear God, this is the day that You have made so let us rejoice and be glad in it. We thank You that December 25 is the day we celebrate as Jesus’ birthday. It is a special day for all who share their birthday with Jesus. Help all of us who are surrounded by presents this day to revel at being in Jesus ‘presence who is our Savior and Lord. In His name, we pray. Amen.