Santa is Real

Psalm 145

I remember being in 4th grade when my Mom was in the hospital during Christmas. My Dad had a kidney removed a month earlier. There would be no visit from Santa this year. Imagine our surprise to find gifts under the tree when we returned from church on Christmas Eve. The coolest Lionel train had smoke coming out of the engine stack. My skeptical brother 2 years my senior was amazed because the train was running around under the tree. We must have just missed Santa.

There was a Betsy McCall doll for me, and for my little sister a Toni doll complete with a permanent wave kit. To this day we do not know who Santa was. Our best guess; my Dad’s boss, the family doctor, or someone from church. Mom had some homemade gifts for us from nurses at the hospital when we visited her on Christmas Day. The family always talked about our Christmas mystery when we were together. My brother had his train until he died. I still have my sister’s doll, in pieces now. Lost the Betsy McCall doll in 1966 during our move to Florida. Mom (and Dad) had no idea who delivered the toys either, and even when she was in her 70’s it was still a mystery to her. We accepted a Santa Claus we never saw because of his gifts to us. So why is it so hard for some to believe in a God we cannot see? A God that left us the best gift of all, His son.

Merry Christmas to you all, and may God bless you with those little mysteries, miracles in your life.

~ Jana Easterling


Giver of every good and perfect gift, we thank You for those who derive great joy from being a secret Santa or giving anonymously. We have been thrilled to be the recipients of such generosity. Long after the toys are often gone, the memories linger on. We thank You, Lord, that You made Christmas a special time of the year and for all others who make it special for us too. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


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