Right from Bethlemen

Shirley and Bob Turner traveled to the Holy Land more than twenty years ago where they purchased this nativity set. 

Shirley says that while in Bethlehem she purchased this nativity set. The stable and figures are made of olive wood. She got this from a vendor close to manger square. She displays this set on a table in her living room.

Scripture: Micah 5:2

Thought for the Day: Tourism is a good thing, but it is also big business. From certain visitors to Bethlehem, I have heard that the town of Jesus’ birth is very commercial indeed. Is there any place you have visited that tourism took something away from the place you had looked forward to visiting? Were you able to get beyond the trappings so as to enjoy what you had so looked forward to seeing?

Prayer: “O Holy Child of Bethlehem, descend to us we pray; cast out our sin and enter in; be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell; O come to us; abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel.” Amen.

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