Resolutions: Sing a Hymn

1 Praise the Lord!
How good it is to sing praises to our God;
 for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting.

Psalm 147:1

One suggestion for a day (or a daily) New Year’s resolution is to sing a favorite hymn, taking time to really focus on the words.

I am reminded of a great episode (The Man in a Hurry) from the Andy Griffith Show where Andy, Barney, and a man in a hurry from out of town who just happens to get stranded in Mayberry are out on the front porch after Sunday dinner. Barney and Andy are strumming and singing “Church in the Wildwood” aka. “The Little Brown Church in the Vale”. There was, and is, something calming in watching them get lost in this wonderful hymn.

It is good and pleasant to sing praise to God. Think back on the words to a favorite hymn (Google can help with the words if you need). Let your mind get lost in the lyrics as your soul soars.


God, it has been said that those who sing pray twice. Listen to my words as I rejoice and lift them in praise to you. Amen.

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