Resolution: Try A Spiritual Discipline: Body Prayer

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2

As a kid, I remember thinking that there was only one way to pray. It was a one-on-one conversation between you and God. It was supposed to be quiet and in your head (silent). Then I figured out we could pray as a group of people and out loud, like in church or before a meal. Once I went to summer camp at Cedarkirk and conferences at Montreat, my definition of prayer was opened wide with new ideas. Prayer could be sung, it could be done with your eyes open, it could even be done through laughter if that is where the Spirit led. God has given us the gift of prayer as a way to connect with God and that can take place in a myriad of ways. Below is a type of prayer that can be done using our whole God-given body as part of that special moment with God. I invite you to consider praying in a different way today and employing all that God has blessed us with.

Body Prayer:

There are a variety of ways to pray using your body, this is just one example.

  1. Hold your hands together in a praying pose in front of you. Center yourself with a deep breath.
  2. Slowly raise your hands above your head, tilt your head back, and look up towards your hands. Let this motion symbolize your reaching out to God. Pray for God’s presence in your life and in this moment.
  3. Bring your arms down so they are outstretched from your sides with your palms raised up. Pray to receive all that God has to offer you in the day ahead or in gratitude for what God has given you already in this day.
  4. Gradually bring your arms across your heart so that they are crossing over each other. Thank God for the gifts that you have been given. Hold these gifts close and express your gratitude.
  5. Stretch your arms out wide with your palms facing forward. Prayerfully consider how you might offer these gifts to others. Think about how you can share God’s love for you with others.
  6. Return your hands to the starting praying position in step 1. Conclude your prayer with gratitude for God’s faithfulness and constant presence.


Creator, we thank You for always listening and being present in our lives. We know that You are with us in both joyous and difficult times of our lives. Thank You for the gift of prayer that enables us to share our hearts with You and we rejoice at the variety of ways that we can connect with You. Help us to remember to bring all things to You for You are Lord of all. Amen.

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