Resolution: Practice Random Acts of Kindness

God has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8

The Presbyterian Women in our church have an opportunity to meet every month for Bible Study in Circles led by Sue McClew and Carol Carter. This month, in a study on lamenting life, they are wrestling with how to be present with people for whom life is an overwhelming burden. In reflecting on a little bit from the book of Job in our pre-Circle Bible Study Leaders Meeting, Carol, Sue, and I came to understand that words often can address the suffering of our friends in Christ as well as actions.

Here are some of the random acts of kindness mentioned in this month’s PW Bible Study materials:

* Give someone a ride to their medical treatments

* Knit or crochet a prayer shawl for a friend going through hard times

* Even if we’re not in the same room with a friend, watch the same movie at the same time and text or video conference back and forth about the best parts

* Sit with someone and expect nothing but their presence (Your friend likes ice cream, buy their favorite and your favorite and eat it while you both sit on the sofa staring off into space)

A call, a card, a driveway visit, or even offering some type of financial help to someone in need. Acts of kindness help someone else and us in our humble walk with God.


God, help me to scan the day ahead so that I might see how loving and doing random acts of kindness fits into my daily walk of discipleship. Amen.

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