Resolution: Join A Bible Study

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

The Bible, God’s Word to us, is an incredible gift. It guides as we wrestle with decisions in our life. It comforts as we struggle with times of loss and grief. It challenges us when we become too complacent and “lukewarm” in our faith. It reminds us of God’s undeserved love for us. It serves as a guidebook for how to live as a follower of Christ. It calls us to love God and our neighbor.

For today’s resolution, we invite you to consider joining a Bible study. In addition to the daily discipline of reading the Bible, studying the scriptures with a group of people can bring about new insights. It is a deliberate act that allows God to reveal new understandings through the conversations of fellow believers. I know that it can be hard to find traditional, in-person Bible studies within the current COVID challenges, but there are a variety of virtual studies that can be found online. In addition, we have a study going on at the church as we explore the Bible throughout the year. Our study (offered with Sunday and Wednesday morning options) is a companion to our year-long reading of the Bible where we can review what has been read and ask questions together. Whether it is here at the church or in another format, I hope you will consider diving deeper into God’s word with a group of fellow disciples.


Loving God, we thank You for the gift of Your word. It is a guide when we are lost and a source of comfort when we hurt. We thank You for the direction You provide in how we are to navigate life and how we are to faithfully live as your children. Help us to be mindful of what we read in the Bible and may it strengthen our interaction with all your children. In Your name we pray, Amen.

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