Preparing to Celebrate the Birth of Our Savior: Woodcut Nativity

Psalm 94:12-15

Happy are those whom you discipline, O Lord,
    and whom you teach out of your law,
giving them respite from days of trouble,
    until a pit is dug for the wicked.
For the Lord will not forsake his people;
    he will not abandon his heritage;
for justice will return to the righteous,
    and all the upright in heart will follow it.

This nativity set is a recent addition to our family’s collection. We purchased it from an artist in Black Mountain, NC and always reminds me of our family time together at Montreat and in this beautiful part of God’s creation. This particular nativity set stays up year-round. Due to its delicate construction, it will quickly become a jigsaw puzzle if you aren’t careful moving it.


Holy God, as we await Your coming into this broken world, we trust that You will not forsake us. Thank You for the gift of Your justice and law. Guide us in the way of righteousness as we prepare for the gift of Jesus. Amen.

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