I Corinthians 12:26
26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.
One of the ways we care for one another in the body of Christ is by offering prayers and greetings. Each Tuesday, at our church staff meeting, we pray for members of our congregation. Sometimes, we are praying for a specific concern or situation. Our church staff also prays alphabetically through our church membership list. Lifting our sisters and brothers in Christ up to God in prayer, we sign and send a prayer card.
Each month, members of our church’s Membership Committee send birthday greetings to each member of our congregation. They prayerfully address these notes, and mail birthday greetings out in Christs’ love. And the Congregational Care Committee sends prayer cards to folks on the prayer list that is printed in the Tower Chimes.
God, you place us into community so that we can have tangible experiences of love and care. Thank you for helping us feel a part of the body of Christ. Amen.