Praise the Lord!

Guess what?  Psalm 150 has been classified as a praise hymn that is to be lifted up to the Lord God Almighty! That does seem to make a whole lot of sense since we know that The Psalms have always been classified as hymns. Notice that there are only six verses in this psalm, but notice also that the word “praise” can be found in every verse. So whether we sing this Psalm or quietly say it to ourselves, it brings us closer to the One who made us.

To praise the Lord God in the temple is to worship our God, either in ancient days or in our day. It is a service that is used to fill up the house of worship we call The Church. This all seems to make the Psalm even more a part of our worship of God our Father than we tend to understand and accept. Yet, reading the Psalm today will bless us with a deeper understanding of our faith and will make the worship of God more important to each of us.

I am so pleased and inspired to read and re-read this Psalm, as it has been labeled a hymn of praise. It is my personal prayer that as we read this Psalm it will become an avenue that will bring us in our day even closer to our Maker as it has throughout all eternity. This is the magic of reading this Palm, and all the Psalms ~ that they will lead us into a closer faith commitment to God our Maker. As we think about it, we all can use help in our faithful understanding of our loving and blessing Creator God.

When we sit in church, if we allow it, the Psalm will help bring us even closer to the One who made us. This ancient prayer can greatly aid us as we lift our prayerful thoughts to our Creator. When we lift up our earnest prayers, our best thoughts, and our varied experiences to holy God, this Psalm will give us the right words to use. The glory of faith can be found in this ancient Psalm as it guilds us in our faith journey. Praise the Lord O my soul, and then simply set aside all else that tends to take us away from our Creator.


O Creator God, continue to guide us, protect us, and certainly, abide in us. Amen.

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