Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven ~ Hymn 620

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Lamentations 5:19

But you, O Lord, reign forever; your throne endures to all generations.

This hymn is a musical setting for Psalm 103 although there is an allusion to Lamentations 5:19.

Praise my soul the King of heaven; to his feet your tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore his praises sing: Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise the everlasting King.

The tune is: Lauda Anima and it is rather majestic with a set of two Alleluias preceding the final phrase of each stanza.

You know, it is funny how you remember certain things. This hymn was a favorite one of my Intern Year Supervisor. Dick and Jean Vivian Ribble chose this hymn to serve as the Processional for their wedding. I have not been to many weddings that include a congregational hymn, but their wedding began with this hymn, which also served as their Wedding Processional. At another wedding I did officiate, the couple selected Great Is Thy Faithfulness as the congregational hymn. This wedding also included the sacrament of Holy Communion.


O Lord, it is often difficult for Your people to keep up with the time. It is also hard for us to imagine eternity. You, O Lord, preside over the past, the present, the future and eternity. We look forward to that day when never-ending praises begin, and we are numbered among the singers forevermore. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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