Pool of Siloam

John 9:1-41

Have you ever given much thought to what it would be like to be blind? You open a can of food, but you cannot see the expiration date nor note any discoloration. You must rely on your sense of smell to indicate whether the food is good or spoiled.

You come to a crosswalk and you hear traffic sounds going both ways. You can’t see the crosswalk sign nor the vehicles on the road. You rely on your hearing to hear “Walk” or “Wait.”

You can’t see dangers all around … the sharp nail sticking out of a piece of wood, the stove burner on, or something that has fallen in your pathway. You use your hands as “feelers” to alert you to potential injuries.

You can’t see “The Wonderful World of Color,” your own reflection in the mirror, your loved ones’ faces, horses galloping, butterflies fluttering, a falling star, a rainbow, fireworks on the 4th of July or multi colored lights decorating Christmas trees, etc.

Jesus met a blind man on the road. He told the blind man, “I’m Jesus. Some people call me the light of the world. I’ll bring light to you for the first time by helping you see.”

Jesus took some dirt, added some spit, and made mud. He put this mud on the man’s eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. He did as Jesus commanded and he could see. Jesus certainly became the light of this man’s world. Jesus continues to open our eyes and enables us to see people and things in ways we could not before. Jesus is the light of the world and the light of our worlds, too.


Lord Jesus, open our eyes that we may see in ways we could not see before. Help us always to appreciate the gift of sight. Inspire us to share with others the good news that You are the light of the world. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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