Pondering Prayers: Youth

Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
I Timothy 4:12

In the history of the church, we find the story of a minister/mentor named Paul, and the young pastor Timothy. Paul praised Timothy’s growth in the Christian faith under the guidance of two godly women – Timothy’s mother, Eunice and grandmother, Lois. And Paul had helped to refine Timothy’s faith. And Paul reminded Timothy (and us) that faithful youth can share a lot with those of us who may have moved ahead into other stages of life.

In the Worship book (jointly published in the early 1970’s by The Cumberland Presbyterian Church, The PCUS, and The United Presbyterian Church), we find this prayer “For the Young” It may still be a way for us to focus on faith in God alongside our own wonderful youth.


Almighty God, again and again You have called on young people to force change or fire human hopes. Never let us be so set in our ways that we refuse to hear young voices, or so firm in our grip on power that we reject them. Let the young be candid, but not cruel. Keep them dreaming dreams that You approve and living in the Spirit of the young man Jesus, who was crucified, who now rules the world. Amen.

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