Philip and the Ethiopian

Acts 8:26-40

What do we do to follow Jesus? What have other followers of Jesus done?

In the Spark Story Bible for children, the tale of Philip, a follower of Jesus, is told like this:

Philip loved Jesus. He tried to act like Jesus would. Every day Philip fed people who were poor and helped people who were sick. One day God sent an angel to Philip. The angel told Philip to travel on a hot, dry road and share God’s love along the way. So Philip set out along the road…

 Then Philip looked up and was surprised. He saw a man from Ethiopia sitting in a chariot and reading a scroll. One of the horses was tired so the chariot had stopped.

 Philip knew he had a chance to do the job God had given him. He ran up to the chariot and said hello. The man invited him to sit next to him.

 “I see you’re reading a scroll,” Philip said. “Yes, it’s a scroll with words of the prophet Isaiah, but I don’t really understand it,” the Ethiopian man said.

 They took turns reading the scroll out loud. Philip talked about Jesus and explained what the scroll said….

 What do we do as followers of Jesus? We listen, look, walk, talk, and help others. And when an opportunity comes to share what we know about Jesus, we do.


God, place me along someone’s path today so that, as I am helpful, I might be able to show my love for Christ, and share my knowledge of Christ, with someone who is anxious to hear. Amen.

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