
When reading Galatians 5:22-23 and thinking about the word “peace,” my first reaction was one of mocking. What peace? I discovered a website called Global Conflict Tracker, maintained by the Council on Foreign Relations. My first thought upon viewing this map was that there are a lot of dots, each one marked with a degree of intensity level. My second thought was that it is sad that we even have to have this map.

Then I began to think about this passage more and I saw that it is really talking about each individual. If the spirit dwells in us, we will display peace. Using our peace, we can infect others. Not many of us can personally control what happens in the world, nor can we personally erase a maker on the conflict map. But each person can spread the peace by fighting one small conflict. Through handing someone a bag lunch or a hot dinner, helping an adult with special needs have opportunities for fun and fellowship, giving money to end human trafficking, and the list could go on.

In our world it is easy for me to mock the concept of peace because we do not hear about the peace being spread through the Church. When the Spirit dwells in us, we will show the world Christ’s peace. It may not be on a grand scale, but making a difference to just one is worth it.


Loving God, make a home in me so that might show your peace to the world one person at a time. Amen.

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