Pass It On: Wayne Muller

Psalm 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God!
 I am exalted among the nations,
 I am exalted in the earth.”

Wayne Muller is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, he has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness and loss.

In his book, Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives, Wayne Muller writes,

Sabbath requires surrender. If we only stop when we are finished with all our work, we will never stop – because our work is never completely done. With every accomplishment there arises a new responsibility. Every swept floor invites another sweeping, every child bathed invites another bathing. When all life moves in such cycles, what is ever finished? The sun goes round, the moon goes round, the tides and seasons go round, people are born and die, and when are we finished? If we refuse to rest until we are finished, we will never rest until we die.


Creator God, we rejoice as we think about Your role in creating our world and continued role in our lives. We know that You rested and set that as an example for us. Remind us to stop and be still. Strengthen us to pause and recognize that You are in control and to breath in that freedom. Help us to take time in our busy lives to stop, to put You first, and to celebrate Your goodness in our life. Amen.

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