Pass It On: Rev. Dr. Thomas Carruth

Revelation 21:3-5

 See, the home of God is among the mortals, He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have pass away.’ And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.

Next, I would like to share a beautiful prayer written by Dr. Thomas Albert Carruth, a professor from Asbury Theological Seminary of Prayer and Spiritual Life. The first Protestant seminary to house a full-time professor in this specialty in 1964. Asbury Theological Seminary is the Methodist seminary in Wilmore, KY. He has authored over 15 books and continues to be an inspiration with words of prayer used even today.  Dr. Carruth retired in 1982 and died in 1991. This prayer I came across as the weekly closing blessing of a congregation in Australia and found it both moving and inspirational. I share it now with you.

Somewhere Someone”

The kingdom of love is coming because: 

somewhere someone is kind when others are unkind,
somewhere someone shares with another in need,
somewhere someone refuses to hate, while others hate,
somewhere someone is patient – and waits in love,
somewhere someone returns good for evil,
somewhere someone serves another, in love,
somewhere someone is calm in a storm,
somewhere someone is loving everybody.
Is that someone you?


Gracious Lord, how we dream of your kingdom and our small role in such a time to come. May we be that someone who is indeed kind, patient and loving. Able to answer this blessing and challenge with a resounding YES. As Christ as lived a life of sharing, serving and loving as well. It is in his name we pray, Amen.

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