Part of an Art Collection

The Gardners’ art collection includes nativity figures. 

Gary and Pat Gardner’s nativity set is part of a porcelain art collection they have by the Spanish company, Lladro, (pronounced “yadro”). These particular figurines are noted for their soft colors and flowers. The Gardners have collected these works for forty years. The first figurine was of a boy with a dog as a gift for Pat.

The Gardners have owned the nativity set for twenty years. The basic set was purchased in Ohio and more recent acquisitions, the wise men and camel, were purchased here. The nativity set is displayed on the buffet in the dining room during the holidays, but is stored year round in a curio cabinet with other pieces of their collection. On one of their trips abroad Gary and Pat were able to visit the Lladro factory to see how these works of art are created.

Scripture: I Corinthians 12:4-7

Thought for the Day: Is there something you collect? What is its appeal to you?

Prayer: Giver of every good and perfect gift, we thank You for those who are skilled in working with clay and paint to create objects of art. We thank You for beautiful things that human hands make. We thank You for artistic expressions of Mary and Joseph showing their devotion to Baby Jesus that inspire us to greater faithfulness. Amen.


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