Mark 4:30-32
Have you ever watched a magician do a trick?
Have you ever been so intrigued by what he did that you become intently curious to know how the magician made it happen?
The magician sets up the trick by showing some tiny mustard seeds. He relates how we can learn about the family of God from those little seeds.
Jesus does not speak the word Abracadabra.
Jesus does tell the people what will happen. He says,
the mustard seeds turn into the largest, strongest plants around. Even birds put their nests in their branches.
A mustard seed grows into something big. He then revealed two people who were hiding behind a full-grown mustard bush. So, how does this mustard seed grow?
The mustard seed grows as someone shows or tells others about the love of God. The church, the family of God grows and grows!
Thank You, O God, for working the magic of church growth through us! As a mustard seed is tiny, so our simple acts of love, can cause the church to grow in miraculous ways. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.